If there are no visible or relevant Phone Number List changes, the interval between the crawl data will increase. Google describes it as follows in a 2013 patent application related to minimizing the visibility of ' stale (dated) content' in search results: In Phone Number List other words, the higher a user view rate and/or the document update rate, the smaller the web crawl interval must be to maintain the same relative probability (ie, the document is crawled more frequently). So how often a page is crawled is based on the number of visitors to a page and how Phone Number List often this page is updated.
However, small adjustments weigh Phone Number List a lot less than major changes when it comes to the ' freshness ' of a page, according to another patent from Google : In order to not update every link's freshness from a minor edit of a tiny unrelated part of a document, each updated document may be tested for significant changes (eg, changes Phone Number List to a large portion of the document or changes to many different portions of the document ) and a link's freshness may be updated (or not updated) accordingly. Panda And then Phone Number List there's the relationship between freshness and the quality of a page.
The quality is determined by the Panda Phone Number List algorithm introduced in 2011: the higher the quality, the better it will rank in the search engine. The criteria by which Google distinguishes quality from pulp can be read in detail in these Phone Number List guidelines for the Panda algorithm . One passage in particular answers the question of whether it makes SEO technical sense to update old content: Merging or enhancing the content of individual, lower-quality pages into useful pages could ultimately help you Phone Number List improve the ranking of the higher-quality content.